Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

Oh shit lmao that too

Yeah, I was Scorned in the first FoL without feedback, tldr I framed someone sheriff debbed into but Marl gave sheriff a green check.

And people say Ici moderrors :stuck_out_tongue:

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literally even if yā€™all fucking put a strong PR role to be converted I would still somehow get fucked

tbf literally outing youself at the first sign of pressue isnā€™t helping

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Noz, is this a lolteactiontest .-.

no its not a fucking lolreactiontest

orange does it fucking look like I give a shit?

I guess prince gets Noz

Possible fool

@Livicus jail Insanity I guess?

It wouldnā€™t make nearly as much sense for Noz to break down immediately after I hypothesize a correct scumteam as it does if I only push him correctly, but if they werenā€™t checked by @Twil1ight itā€™s worth jailing them

Iā€™d rather Insanity gets jailed between the two

@Alice @Qwert please vote and DFE me. I fuckign want this nightmare of a game to be over

Alright Luxy does have a point

if I was fool would I fucking fake bleeding?


Noz is gonna get blacklisted for gamethrowing if heā€™s actually CL

I agree he couldā€™ve made an effort ._.


how the fuck is this gamethrowing. Luckly my successor is doing pretty well. Iā€™m actually helping the cult imo

How many votes does Noz have? I donā€™t want to accidently hammer him

So much for ā€œgood early-game readsā€