Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

/execute it’s done

What a fucking game holy shit

Sam you little shit

It was inevitable


Teamwork, gj cult!

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How the fuck did we win this holy shit

We lost anyways my dude


idk but it definitely wasn’t me

Maximus is town



Insanity ain’t

Da fuck is going on

Who was the cl that fucking bled me lol

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Livicus has been executed.

As there is no way for the blue dragon to now win…

The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!


While I did let this game ride on, I made too many moderrors for this to be truly counted as a victory. For anyone salty about this outcome, you may consider this result ‘No contest’ due to host incompetence.

It revealed a couple of glaring flaws with both noble and cult alts in general that I can look into, so at least from a balance standpoint it has been productive.

I would like to offer my deepest apologies to both Firekitten and all living blue dragon for me reading ‘Marcus’ as ‘Maximus’.


gg lmao

I didn’t deserve that shit at all

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