Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

We need an Unseen Prince so that you can’t have a confirmed BD in the game anymore

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i don’t want any body to know but max

Feels almost fool tbh but I don’t want to risk 2 bd if this is vi

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Hell no

kinda wish i was fool rn

ill be a great fool

Obviously wasn’t a serious suggestion from me

I agree just jail him, get a claim out of him. Prince can execute N1 so he has to claim even if he’s fool or he’s dead.

tbh alice seems evil. too quick to find a fault in someone and wanting to seem town.

fire you will lose the support max is giving you

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Max wasn’t giving me support anyway.

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Prince can exe n1 in FoL? I wonder how many matches end up Prince having lost his exes n1

what ever you say fire

We don’t have game throwers here

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lets give isaac a chance and let the investigatives be on him.

the more isaac talk the more i think he is fool/VI rather than evil

no jail me

He’ll be a frame magnet n1 at this rate

That can be swiftly changed considering Isaac allegedly already slipped during day 1 small talk

No, just let prince get a claim. No reason for us to waste our invest on him when prince can get a 100% true claim from him