Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

prince can jail me. fire doesn’t care anyway

Wonder what Maximus will say when he sees this


If this is an Unseen game the MM is seen as BD until n3 and if this is a Cult game then the Ritualist can tailor him.

hope you do well in jail buddy. :+1:

i already told him everything and how i caused stuff

inb4 someone says i am a scum buddy. lmao

We already know he’s BSING when he says max is going to support me.

You’ve already lock scummed Isaac?

He must be proud of his memeing partner outting himself as scum faction leader day 1

But if it’s a Cult game, then Ritualist would only have a chance of rolling, it’s not guaranteed to show up at the start of the game

why risk it when we get a 100% true claim from him

I’m already liking this, you assume in FoL that what you get in jail is 100% true if they’re townie… can’t assume that in ToL

Why do you feel the need to say this. Feels overly self-conscious

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prince should jail me

i want prince to jail me

i want to clear my self

you are flip-flopping rn tbh

You must be joking right?


Well I was already assumed to be Isaac’s scum buddy when I said it was just a meme and not a slip so

Isaac is flailing a bit.

Isaac calm down and think about what you want to say.

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