Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

Harsh reality of life @_@

whoosh back to playing with my painter program

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Have you seen your partner?
As well you are literally memeing by saying I may die n1 or not implying stuff.




cant wait to see your art. :stuck_out_tongue:

give me the trees :christmas_tree:

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Ur not gonna die n1, chill. If you really thought that then ur bring stupid

Also my partner is not me

So stop fucking blaming me for no reason

If he wants to meme on day fucking one then so be it

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Now I see why Alice avoids this phase of the game

Look, letā€™s just allow prince to jail Isaac, we push on Bin tomorrow, and our investigatives can check those lurking null reads and we can find scum when we actually have a damn vote

Nothing like watching scum squirm as you vote them up, this here is just disappointing

Tomorrow we push Maximus imo, if he has to be trialled to claim we exe him, simple as that.

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I am just playing with photo art rn, I still need to figure out how to really draw my own art @_@

Scumreading you for asking the prince to jail me instead of someone else

Jailing a BD means no scum are jailed and I already said that jailing me does nearly nothing besides claiming

Doing it with people who scumclaim and then chainsaw is absolutely frustrating, tbh.

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This is something I donā€™t understand about FoL, you already assume otb may be evil because he said that Isaac didnā€™t slip or what not, this is day one, you canā€™t scumread us newbies for acting scum, weā€™re village idiots

Kk firekitten is not dying tomorrow and Marcus is instead

I can see you doing it though which hurts when I wouldnā€™t do it to you.

As well did anyone notice how excited noz was D1, it reminds me of ninja and them being agres

instead of pushing me tomorrow, i can claim today. if you guys agree on it. Should I?[poll type=regular public=true]

  • Yes, open claim now.
  • No, delay that bs for tommorow

OTB knows the ropes here.

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welp i fked up on the poll. Should I claim?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

I thought I saw otb labeled as a newbie maybe I was hallucinating

So when are we allowed to push you?

Look, if youā€™re going to say Iā€™m scum cause my partner is memeing, then you better talk to me as well

You canā€™t call someone scum because of their partner this early on

You canā€™t do polls they are against the rules