Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

And going back to what you said about you treating newbies with kids’ gloves - if you scumread the newbies you’ll end up killing any hydra where the newbie actively posts in the thread… by day 4 you’d be left with hydras where only the veteran posts


I don’t know how many times I said I have exams through Wednesday

But it ain’t Thursday yet

Welcome friend!

I’ll start reading the actual game rn, so expect some private communication if I find anything :wink:

Why did nobody bring this up before this

Because apparantly we should treat new players with kids gloves and ignore their potential scumslips, or so I’ve been told by the people in the thread.

Maxi did claim confirmable, so if he can use mechanics to prove that he’s BD and Isaac was just being an idiot then he may be cleared.

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I would love to do that

I feel bad not doing that D1

But I must imagine thaf if they were ignored by several people for that long, at least one of them probably wanted it to be ignored

keep an eye on those between the post and you mentioning it

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Last two are less susp because midonik only confirmed after Isaac’s post and Fk called it out literally immediately before it was pushed away

/vote mdonik

we have no lynch D1 :thinking:

We’ve come a long ways :smile:

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damn it

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Anyways at least that means I can explain that later and not have to back it up this instant

Still gathering stuff

No not really lol

also you said that last 2 are less susp but you still voted 1 of them ?

Mido did immediately jump to Isaac’s defense, though.

I’m really glad we aren’t a hydra

“Am I the only one?”

“No, not really”


lol @ FEFM

No but if they immediately delete it yes