Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

I’ll just make good enough posts for the both of us

Also where is my partner.


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isnt he the one who is supposed to be carrying you tho

Remind me to read this one again later but rn leaning noz of hj/marg tbqh

It makes me sad too

I’m blind. There is no posts from him at start of the day. :eyes:

At the very least I’ve got a lot of time in TOL so I can do this much if I believe

Paragraph one isn’t much.

Paragraph two is IIoA as they’re just stating shit rather than coming to conclusions.

Paragraph three is an actual read, except it’s a weak one as he doesn’t explain how Mido’s posts “look townie”.

Paragraph four is yet another IIoA as he isn’t coming to any conclusions regarding FK or mine aligment.

Paragraph five is meh.

What do you think about what I said about livicus

why does it make you sad

What matters is that it’s long and he put work into it :smiley:

This is the only wallpost I don’t dislike


Or did he only pretend to? Nothing is actually said lol

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Definitely disagree

You can’t argue with a word count

Fun Fact: It’s actually not. :man_facepalming:

As long as I see the reasoning behind scumreading Psycho, please use terms correctly not just randomly and hope it would look fancy.

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TBH I don’t even know what that stands for

Infomation instead of analysis

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Information Instead Of Analysis

lloa = love like omnivore albino ???