Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

Being in a private chat with Sam is very fun :slight_smile:

Especially when you confirm both of you as town just through talking to him

Iā€™m actually very happy I got him as mentor, canā€™t say Iā€™d want to swap right now. Heā€™s letting me make an idiot out of myself instead of speaking for me like you all are speaking for your newbies


Also I wish NAO was like gamer, that was actually fun to try to help them but here he hasnā€™t even spoken in my class card.

noz claimed prince

We know thatā€™s BS. Give them

So your response to that isā€¦?

Hjasik claimed prince too but Noz seemed much more serious about it

I want to tell you something.
Prince claims D1 mean nothing.

response to someone claiming prince is I guess they are prince

2 prince claims?

Fake prince, obv scum

just jail the other

Why do you even analyse d1 then if you call prince claims useless? This is what intrigued me, you guys are ACTUALLY legit reading me scum by my involvement in day 1 small talk. For me as a ToL player, day 1 holds absolutely no value and Iā€™m almost shocked you get accurate reads out of day 1 tbh


Thatā€™s not what I was expecting but ok then

Oh they arenā€™t useless, they are useless when the same people do it always D1 regardless of class. Cough Celeste.

Reason we can get reads is cause TOL is turbo, and very hard to analyze and ask questions fast enough.



Look at FEFM

Playing TOL and FOL at the same time pog

the f is FEFM

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Thatā€™s like my proudest moment

By the end of D1 I had 4/6 or 7 scum iirc

D2 I found another

It was fun lol

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