Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

Apparently that is not what the majority of veterans view this game as - they treat the newbies like veterans and expect them to act as such. This will lead to scumreads that are way off, but every time I say this, I get called scum lmao.

I can hear the sad violin playing while reading this post

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You will hear the sad violin after it becomes apparent that this match hasnā€™t attracted any new players to the FoL community.

Can you say something else instead of sounding like a broken record player and say something that will help us solve this game instead of this muh, you expect newbies to act like veterans every 3 posts? Its starting to annoy me.

Marcus thatā€™s because people are treating them like vets

we had our chance to improve

they need time to learn too

I mean if you do blantant AtE Iā€™m frankly quite glad you donā€™t play further

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Noz thatā€™s not helping

Sure, heā€™s made that message pretty clear, he doesnā€™t need to keep repeating it then.

Oop not sorry

Yeah but Litten and Alice and Orange keep trying to do it so just trying to remind you guys


Your newbie literally posted 3 messages this entire day 1, I posted over 150, at least I was trying to get how this game works, but all I got was several veterans scumreading me and labeling as scum based on day 1 chat. Honestly keep playing the game with the same 20 people and keep enjoying it, I couldnā€™t care less. Thereā€™s a reason why people donā€™t want to play, itā€™s because of how you treat the newcomers. From now on, have fun seeing me talk once per day and have the rest done by Sam. Been nice for the first 3-4 hours at least.

Hi AtE nice to meet you. Sorry Iā€™m not kowtowing to our lord and savior Mido. Fuck off. Iā€™m not gonna baby anybody, regardless of expirence in this game

Wow thatā€™s a 180 :stuck_out_tongue:


thatā€™s really not helping

youā€™re going to turn away everybody

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It is a game, so I must agree that theā€¦ creudeness is unnecessary

I really hate generalization tbh. Just because one or two people act a certain way doesnā€™t mean every single person here thinks that way

Whatever he seems to enjoy the way the community is, let him have fun with the same 15 people every game. Delusional idiot is what he is, but I canā€™t change it.

Alright good

So mido

Ignoring my slot, and ignoring Isaacā€™s

What do you think about the Noz vs. hj/Margaret Prince thing?

Which slots do you think could be scum?

Which do you find yourself trusting?

I donā€™t like you expecting special treatment just because your new. Fuck off with that