Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

You can tell as the thread progresses. I’ve been inhabiting it for most of my time here so my reads have been developing as people have gotten on, given their responses, made interactions, etc.

So i was summoned.We did nothing bcs it wasn’t needed.

Alright. What are your reads on some of the people here so far?

The more talkative ones.

I am at class rn so i can’t do it now. I will do it later.

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FeelsBad that both me and Mole live in timezones where we are sleeping IRL when day starts. Anyway, I kinda feel obligated to share some thoughts at this point.

People highest on my scumlist after D1 were midonk and overthebin/tech. midonk because of the stuff like “I will back up me being town by saying I’m new” and asking to myslinch him D2, but I am not sure, the duscussion got a little toxic there. Mole’s opinion on overthebin’s Pala claim is “It’s probably legit.”, but I disagree, I didnt like D1 claim for the reason of avoiding trial D2, and nothing so far in D2 makes me like tech/bin more.

Also, who was the 3rd prince claim, other than Noz and hjasik, did I miss it? And was the Noz’s Sheriff claim now serious?

Im heading off for the night max before he claimed noble


I never claimed prince

Sorry guys OwO
i’m here now OwO

tell me who evil men are OwO

I dont know maybe Samido UwU

Nao do me a favour

how many posts are you at in your rolecard?

If Litten hasn’t racked up 700 yet I’ll be very surprised

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Around 40 lul

Thats what bin said from d1 probaly missread

Wait are you claiming to have checked me last night and I came up as NS right?


Accused Voters Count
Techbin Nozlord, PoisonedAlyssa, Q&A :crown: 4/9
Marcap IsaacPrime 1/9
Bl1zelight Samido 1/9
Nerbicus LuxyPoke 1/9

Doing Hydra votecounts is so confusing lol
Sorry if there are any errors~

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That is not possible since I was jailed last night

Two trials are possible per day, like in ToL?

Explain how I came up as NS when I was jailed

Possible mod error? Cause i wasnt prevented would the prince like to confirm hjisk being jailed?