Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

Depends what you flip as

The fact that you didnā€™t even know what cleanse was basically confirms you arenā€™t pally anyway

Tailor and mind warp are a thing. In addition to bd knowing who to guard, the cult knows who to aim. Itā€™s a double edge sword.

Can you die any faster?

Also you still have no idea what cleanse is and you are supposedly paladin

Why assume the existence of starting Apostle/Ritualist if you are Paladin? Do you not trust your results at all?

literally digging a deeper hole?

So you want to be a paladin that reacts to ā€œnsā€ results as ā€œprobably cult anyway just tailoredā€? You may be as well be a vanilla townie then

I should really put an /s on all my obvious sarcasm.


I have a question regarding Apostle, does starting Apostle have the ability to mindwarp results like in ToL? I still donā€™t entirely understand how the starting second cult abilities work

Honestly neither do I lol

Every class that can appear in FoL is here. Have fun with researching.

Itā€™s a Cult Points question tho

This is the Apostle class card, I donā€™t see any mindwarp here?

But isnā€™t about Starting Apostle? :thinking:

Oh itā€™s on CLā€™s card

Thatā€™s weird

Yeah but check all BD Social classes for what abilities they can purchase with cult points

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So Apostle can be converted from Mystic and Noble only. It doesnā€™t say either of those can choose Mindwarp as their ability while converted.