Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

See he now claims to be unseen

What do you have to say for your partner?

I told marl if that was game throwing


wait let me double check to see if im apostle fr

Outing yourself as cult when you’re cult?


I slept peacefully what u mean

Trollboxed? :thinking:

Check us rb us follow us whatever if starting cults rit and you guys think im cl it would be better finding the other 2 cult and kill us once immune


theres no way im on stand. mid am I on stand?

Most of Isaac’s posts are just one giant trollbox anyway

am I on stand :frowning:

You are

Yes mate. now just defend!

No, techbin is, just say /execute

And your partner said you’re unseen

im noble

Sus af