Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

No? Lynching anybody that doesn’t have conflicting wincon IS a mislynch regardless if you like or not.

By this definition lynching Alchemist is a mislynch


like highkey even tho imo it was my best game the classlist was so scumsided, PKR pretending not to be devout and NOT FUCKING ROYAL FINGERING FROST LIKE WTF, CULT HAD THE WIN AS SOON AS FROST FUCKING DIED

Because technically it is. :woman_facepalming:


whatever xd

What Town get for lynching Survivor? Would they be closer to win? No, because technically he wasn’t scum.

It’s not exactly a mislynch, but it’s still sub-optimal to lynch a survivor over scum.


Reduces POE though

It’s still technically a mislynch.

For further proof, lynching third party in MyLo does not cause you to lose.

Likewise, lynching third party in LyLo does avoid a loss.

Ergo, lynching third party is not a mislynch.


Also everything on Mafiascum =/= 100% right

The game hasnt started but We have So much posts already all thanks to me

True, but in this case it’s literally the definition lmao

Honestly, lynching third party just delays the game.

always better to lynch scum, but in some scenarios, can be more optimal to lynch a neut, especially end game.

It doesn’t mean it’s right, bucko.

It’s still a mislynch. Even if it isnt same like lynching Town it’s STILL a mislynch. Simple as that.

Yes actually - a survivor will vote with scum as soon as scum have majority with their vote, so the game ends when scum + third party equate to or outnumber Town.

Reducing third party will always delay a loss from a purely mechanical standpoint.


Yes but that’s not the point.

It isn’t happening 100% times as the can still vote with Town in other words it has nothing to do with topic. Try again.

That’s not how that works

Lynching town is a mislynch

Lynching town-aligned third party might be considered it

But lynching any non-Town-aligned third party role is never a mislynch

Sub-optimal lynch? Maybe. But never a mislynch.

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