Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

You should read what bin is doing if you want to avoid being mislynched for such obvious scum slips…


Why would i buss bin we are one class aka the paladin

@gim seems to have disappeared from the thread but uh

He told me he was gonna pardon because he was expecting a Fool

For some reason he never actually said that in thread and just pardoned :sweat_smile:

AKA the Cult Leader*

tech just out your self a cl and call it a day

Instead of blaming your partner, cooperate with them so that slips like that don’t happen

If there’s no one susp you guys really want us to bounty, then we’re just going to sponsor someone probably

so who is converted

Honestly idek what Noble does lol

Big boi advise


Cooperation is key

who claimed prince we will sponsor

He does noble deeds

Dont you think i would have im not cult im not the cl not the apposlte not the seeker and not the rit

Bounty is the same

Sponsor gives a player double votes and they are notified

Pretty useless tbh

Why is my second head sleeping

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Giving an offer they cannot refuse.

Do you claim fool then?

oof I told marl max was game throwing cuz I really thought he said we were cult

Oh sponsor me lol