Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!


See noz did

the bitch part makes it a joke

But it was cc to bins sheriff claim since they’re unique

Aaaand he said it was reaction test. Scroll down.

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Go ahead i dont care at this point im done after this dumb misslynch you guys are doing

Then quote bins sheriff claim i have not once seen it

tech what do you claim

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So… you entirely blame being lynched on a reaction test?

Me and bin are paladin its a hydra game meaning 2 people are the same person


didn’t Alyssa claim pala

You guys did it bassed on bins reaction you guys know i over react

he wouldn’t be cult leader than cuz why would they claim sheriff

Clicked that and went to this

Only for Hjasik

You can get in trouble for that


He claimed ns aka we tested him invest and test are the same thing

If rit is in fact starting cult when we flip paladin get hijask i suspect he got tailored

Plus hijask changed the quote when we never claimed sheriff
