Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

Isn’t hammer actually 8 votes though? We have 15 people voting, techbin is on trial himself


CFD- Chinese Fire Drill

Where everyone quickly shifts from one person who has been tunneled relentlessly to someone who has been very UTR.

You guys reckon we can CFD a pardon here or not worth it?

Oh look, Mod error :cool:

Nope, majority is of people alive, including the voted. Slows things down a bit but not a huge deal.

I don’t understand why though? If it’s 8 execution votes, there’s no way he ever gets pardoned because at best it will be 8-7

Well there is the king with 2 votes technically.

I literally never count the person on trial though lmao

Don’t think it’s worth it. Plus, I doubt this slot flips Paladin from bin’s ealier comments. And the fact that he chainsawed a player he had a green check on proves he didn’t check Hja last night.

if we get the people who are voting execute to pardon, it will bring exe down by one and pardon up by 1, reducing the disparity by 2.

Again, is it worthwhile pardoning this?

I always do
It’s not a mod error either way, it’s host discretion

we’re well aware of the things you do as a host Mole :wink:

I won’t change my vote after what I read otb and tech say d2, up to the others

You are a fool.

/Vote Marl

24 Minutes until the End of Trial* (not EoD.)

/jail Marl

We got’em :clap:

We did it reddit

I don’t get why giving a hypothetical scenario is a scum move. :thinking:

You assumed Ritualist exists in the first place… again, why discredit your own ability?

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Because you’d have strong evidence that Hja wasn’t likely a Cultist were you a Paladin.

Is it wrong to come up with a theory?