Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!


/confirm pre-in

Yo letā€™s have Hjasik hydra with Boss, and Iā€™ll take odds on how many posts they have combined by end of game


rude, you havenā€™t seen me tryhard in necromancer revenge and grand idea do you?

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Am I a veteran?

Yeah, you got like double your usual /pats Boss well done



Hopefully we donā€™t die to an alch this time


btw does anyone remember who was the alch that tried to bomb Ici d1 in that game?

Parfait and someone else

Too bad we canā€™t be a hydra this time

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Parfait and Asriel

/last vet

Or stick me as a noobie, dont care which

Veteran of the forums, newbie at heart :wink:


Dang it

dunt worri tech no newbie would ever want to join me

newbie slots will open to vets 72 hours after this gets announced in the tol discord