Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

He claims CW because we need CW to barrier the priest. Last attempt defense.


I agree

Full logs now

and a detailed explanation of the Scorned claim

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stares at the fact that Marl said that we couldnt iceward ourselves which angers me asf


Magical barrier orangeandblack5 both nights

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How convienentā€¦

Full logs please

The reason for claiming scorned, hjasik wanted to, now get over it

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That is my log

Well Mole :thinking:

Conveniently that canā€™t be proven by anyone.

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But why did he want to?

Well Iā€™m sorrry that CW needs Hunter to out and wolf themselves

Why would hjasik pick me to be his veteran


Wrong answer

Thatā€™s so stupid. KEK

Why would you not Ice Ward night 2

Having a Hunter out, bleed themselves, and be rendered without protection is just a completely anti-town move on your part.

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Iā€™m not convincedā€¦ Why are you freaking claiming scorned