Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

Prince was far more importart, bah it was better to fakeclaim Prince so you may draw atention away from real one rather than Neutral Evil…

Real one is ded


Starting Cult is Seeker and that’s why Noz was never attacked for his prince claim (he said he jailed me even though we know the real prince jailed someone else), the Seeker used Expose and they concluded that Noz is a fake Prince so they ignored it and attacked someone else, accidentally hitting Prince.

Where is NK then

It doesn’t mean you couldn’t do that.

Are you saying potential started Seeker used Expose Day 1?
Can they even use it D1 though? :thinking:

Tbh idk if Expose can be used day 1 in FoL? Doesn’t say anything about it in class card

Also you should know whether Seeker can use Expose day 1 or not, you didn’t ask Marl in your class card? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Even if i know a couple of things about FoL it doesn’t mean i know all interactions.

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No I mean you should ask the host about the interactions of your class, mr Seeker :thinking:


So you’re suspecting me do you?

Realistically my own questions still have zero answers

So I can’t imagine a Seeker’s would be answered yet

If you don’t mind, can i ask why do you think i’m EXACTLY a Seeker?

Because it’s not an effective bus unless he outs your class :slight_smile:

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I just wanted to see how you would react to that, are you some other second starting cult and I missed the mark?

Unfortunately, neither of those. :thinking:
How about to say straight, are you suspect me or not?

I’m just trying to gain information right now. We don’t have a sure lynch for today, Resident Gamethrower are claiming Scorned/CW so we can’t be sure they aren’t just gamethrowing and there are still 2-3 players that are null on me so I’m trying to confirm my reads right now by asking people questions. Is that a bad thing?

Of course not but i was curious about what make you think i’m Seeker. It’s alright.