Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

I never saw you claim

Who did you Sponser then?

I didnā€™t sponsor no one

The difference between Bin here and Bluestorm in RM2 is Bluestorm had a confident tone to his postings, here OTB was flip-flopping d1 on whether to claim or not, which in of itself isnā€™t really a good reaction to a push.

Hey Sam, I just got a little itch to ask for your n2 action

So you bountied someone? Why didnā€™t you sponsor someone? I want you to sponsor someone ASAP tommorow


your not the prince or king donā€™t tell me what to do at night

Ok gotchu, itā€™s a team game my dude, so let me see if my rookie is ok with it then I will tell you

Sponsor me tonight or die. What did you do last night!

im not sponsoring you I can sponsor who ever I want

Wait you can? Have you ever sponsored someone?

your not getting sponsored

But can you sponsor someone tonight. Idc who tbh just to prove you?

no I donā€™t trust you

You mind sponsoring your highest town read?


ill sponsor someone who is confirmed

not you lol

Go in the classcard and check if your class card is the same as the one I posted. Or is it the apostle class card? Please double check if the class card there is the same exact thign

I have 90+ hours in tol