Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

Is this apostle?

I can


@MaximusPrime can you tell your newbie to stop being retarded


He past my bait he is now town

he already told me

I love how you stop pushing Luxy and vote me as soon as I cast a vote on him

see im town

I was saying Luxy isn’t confirmed but killing a priest is mad s

max can I do the night action this time

Oof don’t be rude

Also I honestly think Psycho is a good lynch cause they lurk like cheesy and can be hard to read which is why we bountied him

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your just targeting random people

Sam was your push on Luxy a lolreactiontest?

Literally just cast a vote on the priest


how do I know your not converted

Sure, as long as you choose a smart town to sponsor

Also I don’t think you can target king to sponsor

They already have 2 votes from their passive anyway

Do you want the prince back or not

Yeah, I’d be happy to hear from them today.

/vote psycho hydra

Why are you town?

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I kind of agree with this. Would really help reduce the PoE now that we have a bountied lurker.

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