Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!



ahh i see /pardon

why did we just wasted a trial?

Once again, we used magical barrier on orangeandblack5 both nights, why would I waste an iceward on a pally when a. I could ensure someone isn’t converted whom is one of the major town leaders, and b. The pally isn’t even confirmed to be pally as multiple people claimed it :woman_shrugging:

then c. I love my life and dont want to get mislynched again

Barrier Luxy :+1:

Or even better Ice Ward Luxy

1 Like

luxy is priest

n o

Someone already made a night plan

That I’ll reference tonight

When I find it again

I made the night plan

It is you Ice Ward me, Maximus Sponsors me.
We confirm yourself as scum or town depending on whether I receive the sponsor or not

/unvote since we already have the trial on, don’t waste the 24 hours.

We get another trial

Luxy alice is Going to meme like in abyss game


No We are Going to up you And Use force exe


You think Orange is town D1? explain?

He is just an experienced player So he is a target for N1 convert