Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

/Vote Psycho

Can someone please convince me to read thread I cant seem to find time to read the thread at all
(Squid.exe is not responding)
Also why we voting psycho?
Sleeping in 10 mins so yeah

Heyyy??? Anyone??

Psycho is inactive D3 even though they were posting at least a little previouslyā€¦ I would still wait a little though, there is a lot of time in a day left, but people want blood it seems.

Well shes not online anywhere anyway
I am not going to go repeat the shitshow I did in the previous hydra game and giving free sharpened colour pencils to all

/vote psycho talk ffs

Thatā€™s 5/7

Hopefully they come back soon

You show up, /vote psycho and go afk again for a day? I wanted your hydra to come here and contribute for a long time now.

Well, donā€™t ask where is my hydra.

Then speak for your slot. Have you got anything interesting to share? Maybe some reads?

Nothing interesting at all.


Very inactive, only comes once or twice a day, came in and just said /vote psychoā€¦ Iā€™m slowly changing my null read on your slot to a scum lean and I hope you can convince me you arenā€™t scum

Sorry, but I doubt I can defend myself :stuck_out_tongue:

Give me a breakā€¦ Youā€™re up tomorrow in my book. Worst case scenario you are a fool.

Bye, cya tmr <3

Didnā€™t even bother writing fake logs, did you?


/vote psycho

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Not a fan of whoever hammers this btw

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You suggest me to Hammer?