Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

There is no actual evidence at all plus they didn’t help town for 2 days. If anything they are slightly scum lean just for the lurking.


Here’s a thing. It’s a lynch or nolynch which depends if their claim is true can results in many ways. The problem is i personally don’t have tendences to pardon somebody just because of their claim. I already ask them about opinion on other people, because currently i don’t any reasons to pardon.

The only one who can legit confirm themselves are Priest and Prince. No one else.

Scum lean, it’s like you are figuring out which class to fake claim to avoid suspicion.(e.g. if someone is accusing you of being a neut, you are going to claim a neut class.)

Evil and Nks lurk all the time and is a valid strategy. If you are a TOL player with 300 hours I expect you to know this. Also newbies tend to lurk a lot more because they are afraid of screwing up.

If you have a legit situation that stop you from talking, why did you not replace out?

Wait you havn’t even seen your class card? It’s literally 3 abilities. I don’t believe you. I am sorry but I don’t think other people will believe you too.

So you are saying you read but you cant talk? A bit OMGUS. Pushing is town lean in FOL but I will forgive you since you are new.

Typical scare tactic, a bit of scum slip imo. The word “will” stood out to me.

A couple of additional points:

  1. You didn’t seem that concerned to be voted up in your first couple of posts right in the beginning. If I am a hunter and I come in first thing in the morning to get voted up my first reaction will be panic, scream wtf are you guys doing/stop throwing the game. Is this because you havn’t decide on the hunter claim yet?
  2. Do you still view Orange as scum if we tell you scum hunting is indicative of town?
  3. Will you wolf Orange tonight?

@Marluxion how long till EOD?

28 hours until EOD, less until EoT.

Trial ends at 7:28 pm cst

Need another replacement. If you want to fill it, let me know via dms or discord @bazingaboy

Hunter, eh? Neat. Guess today is a no lynch day

There’s no trial limit in FoL

Oh really? I thought that was standard now.

There should be a limit imo.

Otherwise you end up with a ton of Fol15 style CFDs

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Time to trial everyone D2

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Wait what is this. Did I actually vote this first or you’re teasing me

That’s pretty much what happened in FoL15 we had like 3-4 trials in one day.

You voted first bruh

Yes you might die if we exe this hunter