Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

Are you sure insanity is scum, he can be VI from my past experience playing with her

If we assume everyone is VI we never lynch

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I donā€™t trust both Hunter and CW claims as they are fishy as fuck. Moreover i still donā€™t like Mole with those shady interactions with Sam and Orange.

Did they said they used bear last night?

As long as Orange wonā€™t explain his actions very good, iā€™m happy to push him.

But killing baddies is essensially confirming themselves as Hunter. :roll_eyes:

Well I donā€™t have any such experience, but they didnā€™t even try to make a contribution, their vote is sus, they said they wouldnā€™t be able to defend themselves.

How were my interactions shady? I explained why I town read Sam.

I feel like if pushing insanity out of lurking is better

Did you just assume my gender?

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hey come on,itā€™s a 50 50

I MAGICAL BARRIERER ORANGE EVERY NIGHT, either accuse him of being starter scum or hes town

Why so mad? Do you know them to not be converted because you are?

We never said he was converted, itā€™s entirely possible he was starting scum. Also, mad because we push on orange?

Lol mole, thatd why I said either directly accuse them of being starter scum or hes town :thinking:

y e s

If he was starter scum, we wasted two nights doing nothing

So you are a fan of never killing orange because since we didnā€™t exe him yesterday, itā€™s no longer worth it?

Sunken costs fallacy?

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Now u get it

Sure but i HAD to ask first in order to find out why were you townreading Sam in first place. Also when i asked about specifically about earlier i was wondering what was your opinion on his partner, Mido and they only answer i saw was: ā€œI didnā€™t have a good opinionā€ which is interesting considering he is 2nd person with the most posts in this thread + I wonā€™t skip the fact it seems quite dodgy.

It doesnā€™t mean he canā€™t be scum at all. FYI

You know what they say, best way to make someone comment is to make a mistake.

I donā€™t actually. Iā€™m pushing on orange or insanity unless you all exe the hunter claim and then you lose 2 townies
