Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

found the scum right here.

are you a follower of the one the only Dan Gheesling

smh thots be thinkin Iā€™m scum

evil lean on firekitten :wink:

Sorry i have no idea who is that

he is the one who LETS GOOOSSS

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This was the start of the first schism.

Casual Reminder that this is a thing yes

Donā€™t scare off the newbies :wink:

Also, if you check the OP - The King is indicated by a :crown: icon next to them. In addition, there will be quicklinks under ā€œShortcutsā€ to take you directly to the start of each day.


oh the second scum livicus. :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay @Apprentice the floor is yours


but what if im the newbie

you can still post just donā€™t spam

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This means I canā€™t deathtunnel them over not understanding how to play FoL, right? :wink:



alice scumreads gogogogoogo

Iā€™m scumreading bofa right now.

how about newbies = talk here / veterans talk in class card only?

good reads, will follow up on it by ISOing them

fuck no i canā€™t meme be useful to BD then

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gonna be a really quiet game but not too overwhelming for the new guys.