Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

No way are you trying this rn

There is a zero percent chance you havenā€™t talked privately yet

Stop thats my song

Now thatā€™s just disrespectful ._.

Oh wait I forgot you town nvm lol

The only thing i knew is that Blizer requested to replace out and somebody would to get into his slot it was end up being Wolfy.
You ask them why they didnā€™t talk to me after he was added into my classcard. :man_shrugging:



Alright I believe you

Why was this? Was it because the two head of Tech and Bin were arguing against one another and then they did not have the right match ups, because I thought someone say it was a scumslip, or it was a reaction test. Canā€™t remember what it was though

hj tried a reaction test iirc

It was crap

However they still acted in a way that can only be described as being impossible to tell apart from stereotypical scum

No u

And that was because of the headbutting about the early revelation and the mismatched results right?


I mean pushing somebody you just green checked is fucking atrocious on its own, to the point where you deserve to be lynched just for that unless you have a very good reason to believe it was tailored


Ok, that makes sense. And what do you mean by tailored? Itā€™s been a while since I played and heard of the term

Reverse frame - makes somebody evil appear good

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How much time do we have left until EoT?

We donā€™t want to runourselves out of time if this does flip Hunter and itā€™s Mole thatā€™s scum

So we should end it sooner rather than later

Fine, letā€™s hope it goes well

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