Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

I’m so glad I got back on my phone for this

So your CL is…?


My dude do you not listen.


Right now it’s lock.

Noz cl
Squid seeker
Invoker scum team
N3 convert?

I thought your premise was “Noz is Fool”

Butler’s should occupy mole tonight to confirm. Mole is occ immune supposedly so it shouldn’t bother him otherwise

Because the chance I lynch a legit Pally claim (again) over what is probably CL is zero

Yeah but fool is always incompatible my dude

Noz has said he has an invoker and a ritualist.

Who are the support/offensive claims?

I know I’m a support claim

tbf that ritualist thing was bs

Unless Noz framed N1. And squid is cult which would make squid lock scum every time

Anyways, lynch squid jail and exe Noz.
Butlers occupy mole

Please fucking kill me

Tonight my dude. All in good time

No lynch me.

Noz, if you’re actually Fool, you might as well tell us now, cause if you are, you can’t win this

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Trying to max / min this game so your needs come second

Literally I want to get away from this nightmare ASAP