Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

Am I Cow then? Also are gunna be serious D1 for once?

how many neuts?

@Isaac_Gonzalez welcome to fol. where even a slight meme/ mistake will be magnified 10 folds.

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You probably complain daily how youā€™d love to have more players in FoL but when you do get new players to tutor you treat them like the old-timers

That was serious, and it was an allegorical statement about Isaacā€™s situation

I can get behind this. Being an NFoL, there may be a chance Isaac is a VI. Iā€™d rather just HH him tonight and then trial him tomorrow.

We donā€™t know his playstyle, so whether heā€™s telling the truth is still in question

I mean if I was newbie town and realised your joke could get you killed Iā€™d delete it too.


didnā€™t think memeing would start all this. you wonā€™t see me alive at the end

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Guys letā€™s tone it down

weā€™re trying to help accomodate new players into FoL


I know, thats why I asked if we are finally being serious D1

About 100% of the newbies that came here, me included, have played ToL before so weā€™re accustomed to the day 1 trolling and meme claims


If itā€™s unseen game Alice is evil king, discuss

Weā€™re always serious d1, havenā€™t you noticed?


Im 60% on alice being evil king already

He said I would be the perfect target for the unseen.

Theory he knows itā€™s not a cult game and Is pushing on him

She* her*

alice is king?

Also question, I get why deleting messages may be problematic, but canā€™t you see edit history if someone changes their message? Why is editing despised too?