Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

why not :thinking:

Very possible

Thats invest job

Alice never used the word CL while discussing Isaac’s “slip”, only ever used MM


That’s literally what I said

EK can be assumed

stop talking about me

i don’t wanna be noticed anymore or you guys will kill me

Because Isaac claimed he’s not a killer and the CL is a killer. I really think he may have slipped as MM.

Prince jail isaac imo

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But his slip was him wanting to eradicate me?

are we really sure that wasting invest/occupy on isacc is good idea?

That’s called a meme

Alice could have said MM to diverge the fact that it could be a Cult game

I’d still count cl as a converter in my mind

y’all are dumb. Issac is a VI

IMO i agree with this, that way occupiers don’t have to waste their time and prince can figure out what was going on.

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Quick question what in the world is a VI

Getting his real claim is useful (via prince dont open claim isaac)

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Village idiot

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