Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

don’t judge forum games based on this one game. it gets fun. i promise :sweat_smile:

I thought that was done to introduce new players to FoL in a fun way

let me ask max

In FM we lynch scummy people for saying scummy stuff we don’t give them a free pass cause they are new.

How are you suppose to win if you never lynched?

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Memeing is fun, except claiming scum isn’t.

memeing is fun

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Like just don’t claim scum, that’s literally the only thing we ask

i said i was gonna eradicate people and i deleted it

Point is, half the players here are new. If we don’t lynch a scumread because they may be a VI instead of scum, then this is a guaranteed scum victory.

We have different views on this because you’re a FoL player and I’m a ToL player… I don’t pay much attention to people saying they’re scum during day 1, because I’m used to it

You’re not allowed to delete

If he flips scum so be it

Also im reading alice as gk now

Dont mind me

Alice but scum wouldn’t claim scum probably :thinking:

i know luxy. marl told me that after

im a newbie i never played this

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I see that IMO I’m not trying to be rude .

Yes because we’re going to lock town him for memeing /s

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Alice is evil girl

