Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

don’t read what i have to say alyssa

don’t want you going into this game with half a brain from reading what i have to say

Requesting to not be jailed as I’m actually a semi useless class

But firekitten is probably dying tomorrow or day after :wink:

Max explain why your partner said you wanted to target me N1, and then said something about eradicating. Don’t claim just tell me why

yep :wink:

Because he’s a ToL player, not a FoL player, and he assumed it’s normal to meme day 1…

Becouse you are kitten

Because he’s a ToL player, not a FoL player, and he assumed it’s normal to meme day 1…

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Because I can target you with an ability? So?

yea i told her it won’t hurt her :wink:

sorry meant him

People meme in TOL sure

Pretty certain they don’t meme claim invoker cult leader mastermind d1 though

Except that this isn’t fucking how FoL works and we work on reads rather than mechanical information. You openclaim scum, you get lynched. If you want to keep acting like an idiot and gamethrowing here then fuck off back to ToL.

sorry for assumming

Calm down

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You haven’t played enough if you haven’t seen this happen before

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You get a thousand people claiming prince or something sure

alice is very evil btw

Shouldn’t sign up to be a part of a newbie game if you’re getting so upset over this, such a snowflake lmao