Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

make up your mind. Do you want to push me for claims tomorrow or not?

Doesnā€™t really matter

The real scum obviously know we arenā€™t scum and will never convert us bc of it so

I havenā€™t decided yet. Weā€™ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Yeah, because scum clearly canā€™t get strongman kills in this mode, right?

Alice literally chill the fuck out >.>

I hate to say this but we will be confirmed msot likely tomorrow

we will :wink:

strongman kills? sorry for asking

Ugh even this helps evils so much I fucking hate it

Guaranteed kills that bypass protectives.

Gathered Darkness, Wall of Fire, Frenzy, and whatnot.

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why does fol terms have to be different from tol ones ffs

Alice youā€™re not allowed to scumhunt anymore

IMO noz was overly aggressive and excited during D1 reminding me of ninja what do you think alice?

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he was aggresive then he completely stopped posting. hmm.

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And then suddenly everyone stopped posting

inactivity is NAI tho

What is NAI

Not alignment indicative.

Not in mine or your case

FK didnā€™t you win a game as Fool by never posting?