Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

nah, Im eastside

i’m the prince lmaooo

I am tho

dead to me

Can we add memesky into our hydra so it will be 3 players in same slot?


no fuck off with that waste of space

Knights can cs that slot if that happens :joy:

@Ami I want a hardclaim

No but Hjasik/Margaret/memesky would be best hydra slot

I am the prince

Tbh I’d love to see the DMs if that ever was a thing

Hydra chats w/ Hjasik/Celeste/Memesky would be quite wholesome

Somebody summarize the last 1000 posts


Nothing - someone claims scum /nothing

There you go orange

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I see you are in an HTM moment and I will give you my appropriate response



but no you don’t want to read the last 1000 posts

Marg/Hjasik claim prince

Noz also claims prince

OTB claims Paladin I’m pretty sure

And I claimed confirmable BD but everyone is saying I’m a fool bc of my partner

People continually asking for me to be jailed even tho i’m confirmable are susp. Even if I was a fool(which I’m obviously not), why would you ask to jail me? Jailing a fool n1 does literally nothing

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oh and Pally isn’t unique nor unconvertable anymore

pretty accurate summary.

Oh yeah, wasn’t there another paladin claim btw?