Newbie FoL 2 - Hydra - The Cult, The Sellsword and The Mercenary win!

Starting Apostle can’t take Mystic alts.

Won’t be able to talk for a bit, gonna read on from the point where people got their roles to see if anything of note has been said

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D1 lynches are needed

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I wouldn’t be opposed to them they would stop 20% of the memes

It has

There’s always something of note

The trick is finding out what

Especially since sometimes it’s the absence of things

Also our hydra name is Resident Gamethrower does that mean that we are officially allowed to gamethrow ?


I’m taking this game seriously since this affects how many newbies might join the forum soooo yeaaaah, u can memepost but not I

I’m rested and here :V

Be careful

Last time I called people out on that I was almost banned

Tried looking through some of the previous comments to see if I could find some use out of them. I then realized that there are more than 3 comments :frowning:


So far, only think I’ve found is someone claiming alchemist, which I think is a meme claim


First time actually using this forum and stuff, but I’m guessing this is what he was replying to.
Don’t really know if there’s actually a way to tell, but I’ll go with it

Nevermind if I click on it I can see what he replied to lol. I was completely off

Because it was unlike them to drop in one time a day and just leave

To the point where it was obvious they weren’t trying to help the Town at all

Plus, we will lynch every single day we can. It’s stupid not to. So at some point, the unhelpful are going away.

Oh dang

That’s actually a solid claim because I’m like 70% on you being scum

Literally wtf

Immediately throws away any goodwill their claim brought them