NewD3 - Dead Chat

ok so one of them is conroy thx wazza


conroy venus

Oh, so it was Centuries I saw? lol

I honestly thought I saw someone else

actually conroy is probably enigma


Guess me plox

you already said you were merc lmao

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also ā€œimmediately say you are set on one personā€ is not the way you approach lylo ffs

Especially one who wasnā€™t in the PoE of the n1 killed VT

Will I be able to write flavor do you think

before a quickhammer

like come on people

you gotta realize that 2 people this LyLo were in my d1 towncore, and 1 was in PoE

Enigma is at least evaluating telephone and if he or she or they realize that 2 people were in the N1 killā€™s towncore and 1 was not it should just be ggez

REEEEE new enigma did you not read old enigmas post agreeing with my towncase of venus PLZ OWubeqierjiqwijeiqwijrjioqwtjoiqwtijowqtoij3qptij

just iso the VT claim that was killed n1

just skim my reads


I swear to god

why do people not do this in LyLo itā€™s basic procedure

dude iā€™m actually going to be so tilted if they donā€™t at least GLANCE at the fact that 2 of the remaining were in my SOLID towncore and the other was low in my fucking poe I sweaar

I have just written out Venus execution flavor worth three paragraphs
I am not going to be happy if Venus isnā€™t jettisoned

We have very different opinions

This site has horrible LYLO/MYLO understanding
I am quite happy the only one Iā€™ve participated in was the one I had to literally save town with a dictated ability

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this town fucking sucks at LyLo-ing

Venus please, please read my posts. There are 39. Its so easy



@Babylon @LoveGame @Applause @Replay can I have confirmation youā€™re fine with your identities being revealed post-game

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