NewD3 - Dead Chat

wait no

I canā€™t decide whether or not itā€™s a bad thing that marshal thought I was katze



I thought you might be soolit

I knew it was someone like kat/arete/sulit and that was my general venus pool

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ā€œgenerally skilled player who does not have a super obvious toneā€

I didnā€™t think venus was a guy

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how did you think it was me then

you donā€™t have that obvious of a tone

you blend in with some other people

people like derps (their scum) and moleland who says things like :kappa: and :kek: and wazza who is wazza

are easy to identify

and I do believe you to be generally skilled

i think my tone is pretty obvious

even as 82nd i had blatant katze-esque messages when attempting to speak like i was a MU veteran who was good at the game

im actually really surprised chloe never caught on until i slipped because i thought she would


me being me means i can tell when a message is written by me

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Aww. I even resisted posting memes

82nd: acts serious basically all game
also 82nd: meme

actually rereading this im not even sure if i wrote some of these posts what hte fuck