NFoL 4 - Deadchat

Yeah so u have to bleed first for that to work

It is, I would be toast if no healer spawned, but meh. It was still a decent plan to have an alleged Merc stay on me.

I was gonna use abiltiy tonight, italy bleeds tommorow, and sol dies that night

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No, you have to use it at night and then bleed the next day indeed.

oooooooooooh ok, that makes sense

I thought i was 400 IQ for softclaiming prince and having everybody believe me.
Guess not.

im dumb, sorry

Then how the heck did we all die in a cult game of all places.

oh when did u do that?

when i said i “didnt need fealty”

and then people started pushing it and I said to drop it.

and everyone was like “oh”.

but i guess my master plan fell a little short

I can understand a redirect of a drunk/warlock on What that might have killed me and an archer/knight killing Marshal and then NK killing king, but that is so much of a coincidence.

OK can i make polls in death chat

would an archer/knight shoot me?
I don’t think I warrented it.

maybe it was something that killed people who targeted sol.

me + dat both dead and targeted you

yeah I think Reaper and Demon have that

The only rampage attack we have is Demon and that wouldn’t kill King who doesn’t visit.

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i keep forgetting that sf doesnt count as a visit.

We cannot discount that I was redirected to kill King by accident too.

Funeral Pyre (Night) - Set your target ablaze, killing them. If Haemophilia is used, the target is immune to visits from others except you, and anyone who attempts to visit them is also killed by the flames. In addition, Funeral Pyre will bypass death immunity on the initial target and not count as a visit. - Infinite uses

You can’t redirect to King with either Drunk or Warlock.