NFoL 4 - Deadchat

Make the rules clear so there are no weird interactions. Ez.

The List was clearly outdated

There is a good reason and that is that a Sheriff redirected to King shouldnā€™t discover their alignment for instance. Thatā€™s abuseable. Whatā€™s the good reason why they should be able to target king? They are literally written down in that list however outdated.

This used to be no problem, because at least one FoL team member used to be a part of every FoL. Keeping everything updated and perfect is great, but Iā€™ve seen no volunteers to do so. :upside_down_face: hence why now at least the cult alt guide and king targeting document havenā€™t been updated. Classcards and feedback guide have always been kept up to date by me.

The abilities on there still apply however.

Well, we have quite some rules experts here now, literally any community guide got their job only because they are very good with the rules. So volunteers shouldnā€™t be a problem.

But itā€™s already past my bedtime ^^, so good night yā€™all.

Wait! Before you go!

The Toaster Exploded.

Iā€™d be willing to help, dont know how hard it be, but I love me some FOL so if some assistance is needed Iā€™m willing to help

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Thatā€™s appreciated, Iā€™ll contact you.

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Iā€™ve been doing this everywhere lmao.

Iā€™ll also volunteer.

I got nothinā€™ better to do with my life.


Well now i really hope we got our convert off.

If we did then things are going well.

whoop there goes softclaim #2

Or just have King return ā€œIs the Kingā€ to all invest checks.

(like it was in ToL since forever)

Still limits design space for any redirectable classā€™ ability and would affect most importantly probably Archer/Knight killing King like happened here, Noble being able to bounty king leading to a mid day election and Maid would also function weirdly. Making an exception feedback for everything is not preferred over simply not allowing it to target King. I donā€™t see why they should. There is no need for an offensive to be able to target king.

Invests get: Target is King.
Maid doesnā€™t update her last target.
Maybe you should look at killer redirections then.

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Can you guys not bring ToL logic into FoL.

FoL =/= ToL.

Just sayin, ignore me now.

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