NFoL 4 - Deadchat

I don’t like the tone that this conversation is taking… Also, Tele, I literally didn’t get your reply in jail until after the night phase had ended. So that had no capability to influence my decision.

This is why you respond sooner REEE

Rip, yeah I responded like an hour before the night ended because I was doing other things and forgot until then. Would my reply have made you not exe me?

BTW you guys arguing back and forth about the night plan actually worked in your favor. Not gonna spoil anything until after I flip, but yeah

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To be quite honest, probably not. The other suspects for NK are Ozz and Cheeki; Cheeki’s HHed tonight and Ozz’s marked by Archer, so worst case scenario is that court loses someone to NK in addition to all of us, and they still somehow hang Cheeki even though that would prove Ozz as Demon. But even then, Kyo can take out Ozz or Diggity can HH it, since we can’t have both of them dead here tonight.

I also gave Derps multiple chances to admit if you were his target (wouldn’t have made you not NK, but eliminated the chance of you being NE), and he insisted that Diggity was his second.

That’s fine then, would’ve been more upset if you would’ve said that you would have changed it and not executed me, because that would mean that I fucked up. I tried my best tbh :confused:

Honestly, though, my biggest question is why Fool would screw with that at all. There literally wasn’t the option for more than two non-BD to be lynched there, so Fool was guaranteed a win no matter what they did.

Yeah, honestly, I had no excuse for why I didn’t show up in the gossip and Napoleon was the one that gave me the out by accusing Sog of being NE


Its unbelievable that everyone kinda bought it