NFoL 4 - Deadchat

who kills king though lol

at least my logs are pretty funny, and not serious reads unfortunately, cuz i didnt expect to die

Loada of people read you has GK d1, if they really believe that readā€¦

well i was, i had fun and confidence in thread. dont have those as scum

I actually wouldnā€™t mind if you were killed, because with Noble I could easily get King. :confused:

Guess I should have updated my reads. :man_shrugging:

u monsterā€¦ i was just a stepping stone to u

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was king devout?

Well wazza I want some good lore on why i died,
thats the only reson I join anymore the LORE /s I join because i love the game and the lore makes it better

Hja may have been protected and you suicided because of that still.

Reading Hja as definite town honestly. I just egged him on to try and make sure.

no, did u read me d1

What were you? :thinking: You were BD right?

No, just wondering

I was Acolyte

Aaahhh my reads.

so did yall kill me or nk

At least it was light townlean :confused:

Not us.

I guess I can say other cultists if no dead interact?

yeah u can

Well italy is our CL and we tried to convert tan