NFoL 4 - Deadchat

Nahhhh, it’s fine, I feel like that’s some weird kind of special treatment. I hate it when people insist it to me, so maybe I’d be a hypocrite. :man_shrugging:

I guess I’ll just have my :popcorn: and watch my faction burn to the ground.

Go team go! :upside_down_face:

I’m fairly sure you we’re attacked by demon. I died while visiting you and merc guarded me, so I wasn’t regularly attacked

Leaving Italy up to convert, the plot thickens.

Gaahhh I still informed myself, so I can’t spill any juicy interaction. I guess I’ll mute this chat for now. :cry:

well we have hardclaim #4.

So thats fun.

And hardclaim #5.

Even better.

And as in FoL tradition, everyone is outing themselves d2.

well fuck me then

Italy, are there any converts?

I assume not because you said tan was imm, but one can hope.

You should at least try to fakeclaim next time man. :stuck_out_tongue:

Even if you are perceived to very scummy, you can get out of the lynch with a decent claim sometimes. Something like claiming Butler that has poisoned king that would prove you for instance. They might have moved on to someone else while you could convert. Now all scum is doomed to fail I’d say.

What did you think of the game? It’s not easy being scum right off the bat.

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I was honestly relying on a neut claim, but that became more and more hard very quickly.

So no converts?

No converts :<

Well thats unfortunate.
I mean I do wish that, like solic said, you did at the very least fake claim and convert someone.

But it was unfortunate with my n1 death and a failed convert

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shoulda just tried the alch claim.

A Neut claim wouldn’t save you from being one of the last 4 suspects.

Well at the point where you were L-3, I don’t think that would have stopped your death or jail.

Preist would be an interesting claim, But I don’t think it could spawn with mystic-jake in game.

I think the butler claim or a noble claim would be best.

Important wazza related question.

Is it possible to like danganronpa too much?

@Wazza There’s an important question for ya