[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - The Blue Dragon Are Victorious!

Except there’s a problem with that plan, protections out of option from Cult’s BoD.

Priestess would stay on Prince.

We’re still probably going to execute one of the Hunters.

Pretty much, although I wonder why Gikkle and Fireslol are keeping it quiet - we need their info to make final judgement.

Originally, we’re suppose to hang Possessed and let the prince execute MrEevee7 in case Possessed flips Hunter.

/vote Possessed

He said it’s ok. Extra info will be nice.

And I make myself clear about hundred times I don’t know how many,

I cannot be Devout King since Sulit claims he’s bleeding.

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Nor I see except MrEevee7 could bleed Sulit as CL if Sulit is town, he said so himself.

Watch the vote counts guys so we don’t slam early, but ill bleed someone if you still want me too. I’d be hard pressed to believe Eevee is actually a hunter with the way he’s been acting, but if he is…that’s 2 BD we will lose before tomorrow. If Sulit isn’t lying about his bleed, that’s 3 dead BD and another bleeding on convert night.

That will leave Prince, King, What, Gikkle, Fireslol and Priestess left. 3 of the 4 could have majority.

Potential teams right now:

Mr Eevee and pretty much anyone.
Sulit and anyone.
What and Fireslol.
Priestess and anyone.
Gikkle and anyone.

What clearing Fireslol means they are likely the same team, whether cult or BD. What could have went for an aggressive frame but didn’t which makes me believe him most.

Gikkle was believed to be S/I from What. Its possible this is seeker-to-CL, and Gikkle hasn’t provided any info to exonerate Gikkle. Also could be a potential convert.

Fireslol was cleared by What, so if What is BD, Fireslol is also cleared.

Priestess claims healer. Its not a confirmable class, but she would be immune to bleeds so this is obviously a hunter target for bleed test.

If Sulit is anything, he was converted. I don’t believe this is starting Cult, but if the bleed is real…Sulit would die tomorrow night unless Priestess is real and healed him or he faked the bleed. Potential play for a Sulit/Priestess scum team.

Mr Eevee is my obvious pick. In the event that he is cult, I think Gikkle would be the most likely convert.

Accused Voters Votes
Possessed MrEeevee7, Frostwolf103 :crown: 3/5


For any sudden hammer while I asleep.

So we vote Gikkle to out his info? Since he claims he visited Priestess N2 and that’s about it?

/vote Gikkle

/vote possessed


And? I’ll post Possessed logs on n2.

what is lying. I was jailed by prince last night

I jailed both of you I think?


Yeah I did
N1) Priestess
N2) Possessed - Hunter
N3) What
N4) MrEevee

ffs this is day 5?

Yeah. Look at the top. It’s day 5.
Jailing Possessed tonight.

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