[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - The Blue Dragon Are Victorious!

I might be not the best wolfhunter, but at least I am trying to do it, at least I am trying to learn it. Feedback is always welcome.

Shading is a form of wolfhunting if something is scummy. Shading is just another word for questioning

Yes and no. Wolfhunting usually involves more persistance and questioning.

Shading itself is just pointing or framing a post in bad light and then scuttling away.

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Then just answer my initial question?

As in, this which you’ve repeatedly dodged?

I did.

Why would someone asking if the Cult could spawn ring the idea that they are a Cultist in your mind?

Because I would do it if I were scum.

In short, you believe that they are trying to derp clear themselves?

That was my thought process, yes.

So why not continue questioning MrEevee7 over this?

You dodged my question. Come back and explain yourself.


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Explain your o.o please I think you’re onto something

Oh no I just love watching arguing it’s fun.

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Entertaining the idea they’re both BD,

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it’s funny to see people picking apart the tiniest things, but i guess you kind of have to on D1


I’m intrigued. What makes you reckon this is V/V?

i didn’t dodge the question, I said i didn’t read you because i didn’t know who you were. and then i read you later

Reminds me of another D1 scenario. Two power players butting heads over a silly thing, both of them were village.

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