[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - The Blue Dragon Are Victorious!

So we can maybe save two lives in the future, let me do a quick ISO on our king based on posts from today:

This was certainly questionable, but at the point it was said there WAS a wagon on Gikkle.

So his reasoning is “people are saying Gikkle is evil”. There’s no way he would know Gikkle is evil, and if majority thinks Gikkle is evil…this move is one of two things. To gain towncred, or because he truly wants those deemed scum dead.

His mind is right but he doesn’t understand King mechanics which is fine. He’s new. Priestess was high on the scum radar at this point of thread progression.

Frost was starting to gain scum recognition at this point, so this goes back to wanting towncred or truly wanting whoever deemed scum hung. The more flip flopping I see, the less I think he’s desperate for towncred because sheeping in this manner will gain you very little towncred.

True, but that’s typically a move a desperate evil will do when they need towncred. Frost wasn’t desperate. I think the logic here is flawed.

This is where his posts end…in what I believe to be an incorrect reason behind a vote. It begs the question that were all asking ourselves: Are Andrej’s votes and accusations a desperate attempt to look town or a genuine scumhunt?

Would an EK jeapordize themselves so utterly and completely this early by looking completely indecisive in his reads? I think the answer is quite simple: This is a GK who wants the correct evil to be killed, but doesn’t know how to go about finding that person. There are good sheeps and bad sheeps…and this one pings me as a new player wanting to win as GK.

" Make sure no more than 2 other non-BD are lynched during the course of the game."

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well its a little late, poisons in the drink but i guess we’ll see haha

Technically, his win con is that during the game that no more than 2 non-BD players lynched however it is possible for Fool to side with BD when it involves in just night kills over scum.

I won’t lie, the posts I read late on D1 were weird but I think you’re more recent posts are redeeming. Proud of you!

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However it is not highly encouraged with conversion going on.

I hate being tunneled, sorry >.>

I was LITERALLY doing a whole write up to potentially avert a disaster but he posted weird stuff right after I finished that I didn’t get to ISO before I could save it. Ugh.


I am sorry what?

Eevee’s analysis of you had you pinged some sort of evil.

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Tell me more about it.

As possible evil, yes.
Do I still think that? Rather not.
Drunk redirect was so bad claim to get out of occupation dituation that it’s… just weird.
Doesn’t sit me as fakeclaim. There are easier ways to dodge the accustaion or attack me back.

Although I softed earlier before your painting, I was kinda waiting for you to speak up.

I mean, you have to admit that your searching for specificaly CONVERT was suspicious from avarge PoV.

Its a convenient claim, but would he be that desperate to out it for towncred when the only real wagon was you and King? I think the only thing id draw from his claim is that he is occupy/redirect immune to boldly claim it out on the open.

What do you mean? I targeted Andrej, if that’s what you’re wondering. That’s why I thought it was a court wizard, because it would make sense for there to be one on the king.

I was never a wagon. Neither was Frost.

That’s what I don’t understand from Marcus post.
It’s sheepy af and shows he didn’t even read the thread.

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Man, I am not paying as much attention to this game as maybe I ought to have been.

Why do you target the King as any sort of BD? They’re not gonna be the NK or Mastermind/Assassin/CL/whathaveyou

Also I’m pretty sure you can’t target the king as BD.

Gikkle, at this point you can say class pretty straightforward.