[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - The Blue Dragon Are Victorious!

So it’s What, MrEevee7, Marcus or BlueStorm today. I pinged them now all, so they have the chance to provide a defense, if they want.

@What Come and stop evading my questions ^^

What is actually my highest scumread this game for similar reasons. He pushed the idea that scum would buddy with other scum, specifically targeting one of the two he believed scum (Gikkle). When most people moved away from the idea, he picked another target with pretty scummy behavior (James). Knowing now that James has a unique role, it points to an opportunistic push on What’s end. His adamant pushes followed by his attempts to shy away after majority didn’t buy it read as an attempt to get a bad lynch.

If I were a betting man, I’d bet this is scum. How much time do we have to vote?

Putting my vote on What.

/Vote What

5 hours I see…?

Possessed kind of has me convinced here. its a logical train of thought
/Vote What

This is the last VC

Priestess, Cheeki refrained from voting Gikki and MrEevee from voting Priestess

Took me time to realize who you are refering to…but where did it start? Certainly not from late 100 posts?

The push starts day opening. The idea that scum would buddy each other is honestly false since it draws too much association if one were to flip evil.


/vote What

I put this for placeholder while I will make extensive read on everyone as well. If this flips BD or non-NK that is not against town then I will consider this as informative and policy lynch.

I might change votes when I am done

/vote What
Idk how long I’m already pushing on What, but from these 4 he’s actually my highest scumread as well.

Completely inofficial VC

Accused Voters Votes
Gikkle What, Eevee, Andrej :crown: 4/8
Priestess MrEevee7, Gikkle 2/8
Cheeki James 1/8
Eevee Marcus_Doodalee 1/8
What Possessed, Cheeki, Frostwolf, Priestess 4/8

BD, we’re voting What. We have 4 hours left. Let’s go. If we don’t hammer before the day ends, there will be no execution today.


Nonvoters are rn: Sulit, Fireslol, Datbird, BlueStorm

/vote What

Sorry, my activity EOD is going to be spotty at most, I am in the car traveling right now, connection keeps coming and leaving

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Cheeki and MrEevee were online this time yesterday

Psst @Cheeki @MrEevee7

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No angleshooting based on activity please


It’s just if you want votes before two then

yeah sorry took a break to eat a lunch
bd should be voting what

His name is what

yeah thats what i mean what should be voted

But Cheeki is already voting what