[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - The Blue Dragon Are Victorious!

What? That doesn’t answer my question.

Just vote him for king, and you will see what he meant. I have my own suspicion on what he meant.

I don’t trust him at all lol. His eevee interactions and this stuff all seems weird.

It does answer your question, I happen to happy hour Cheeki in case he would directly attacked Andrej rather than poison. That scenario is not possible.

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But if he was good king, wouldn’t it be obvious?

We wanted the Slot Cheeki to be solved, since he was pretty scumlean for quite few of us. So this makes totally sense. In case it’s GK, he dies. In case it’s EK, he can’t be the killer of the King.

I understand that part, your reasoning for doing it, but the fact you wanted me to share my actions first and being reluctant to share such trivial information, and you thinking you found the killer? What was that all about?

(And yes, I’m aware I’m attempting to whiteknight a fellow BD here, and that that’s suspicious, but you’ll have to live with that)

This just seems way too convenient, literally every single one of my alarms is going off. The logic seems like such a leap too.

And to prove I din’t mess with his logs, my RB would prove it

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What. What? I don’t get it. What RB?

Royal Blood. All votes on him will count double. So it’s way easier for him to get King.

Nope, nope, nope, too many red flags. I‘m not voting him as king.

What do you think he is?
He didn’t even want King. That’s just Possessed and me pushing for it. I don’t see a way here for him to be evil, tbh (unless he’s neutral, but… then he wouldn’t have RB so this here would be a real gambit for him, since if he’s not getting king he is really really suspicious)

I feel like Frost’s reluctance to share his action and how he wanted me, the person people think is the observer, to state my action makes me think that he was planning on faking a target, hence the “I may have found the killer” thing, and wanted to make sure any potential observer wasn’t on him, but since I refused to answer, he claimed his actual target tonight, hence the weird story about visiting the guy who was killed last night. Frostwolf is the assassin/nk. Explains no n1 kill, when eevee roleblocked him, and explains his weird behavior regarding who he targeted, because he targeted the night kill target.

I can’t be Assaasin I am immune to occupation

If you’re assassin you’re not.

@eevee who did you occupy tonight?


You have to accept my strange ways, what is your N2 action? We talked about this

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I don‘t see how he cannot be evil here. Mechanic wise, he has nothing to back him up, Logic wise, he seems to be grasping straws.