[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - The Blue Dragon Are Victorious!

Possibly, but I don’t know if his scum buds would be so open about voting their scum bud.

If I am convert that would make sense, but do you think Possessed or Priestess are MM/Sin?

Elections ends at 8:45 British time so keep in mind for late votes wouldn’t count.

First, someone explain to Gikkle that asking about one role is not fishing. Espcialy that he had one choice and if he claimed anything else, he would be lynched.
If he claims something which happens only to one role in game, I want to know if he is that role, cause if not, he is dead meat.

Also role fishing is called fishing for reason, cause you are trying to bait role-relevant info quietly.
Asking “Are you obs?” is hardly fishing.


100% we vote sulit for king here. I don’t see her ever being unseen or NK

Two, I did nothing last night due to sending 9 minutes behind deadline and over 1 hour before day 3 start.
Apparently it’s not good enough.

I kinda had some personal problem, which caused it.
You can ask Icibalus about it if he joins.

Three, if you have any questions to me, it’s last chance to ask them now.

You can’t vote if you haven’t earlier

Like 45 minutes late

Are you serious
This is bullcrap

No I am serious

Solic is nice enough to announce when election is over at SoD

And even if you did, I would still win elections

I don’t think he even announced who stood up

I doubt he willl count your vote, late by 45 minutes, if action being 9 minutes late is a problem to him.

So this could potentially end in a tie?

Except they voted Sulit for occupying you being candidate for being Assassin

If it’s a tie I think no one is chosen and there is another election tomorrow, which is okay ebcause you and sulit claim drunk/butler respectively so there aren’t any kills, but it’s pretty hard to figure out who’s scum when everyone’s being occupied.

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I’m not assassin though, and I would very much not like to be occupied tomorrow night so we can start going through scummy people

One thing I am sure that I can’t be Possessor especially to mess with Cheeki’s logs.

He simply forgot to update it and I happen to happy hour him so that is one less lead we don’t need to focus and we don’t need to spectulate without concrete evidence what he occupied instead, it is pointless and this shouldn’t pursued any further.

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