[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - The Blue Dragon Are Victorious!

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

I didn’t bounty n2 as a real noble :^)

Does anyone else here think What is MM?

Whatever, no need to speak with the openwolves anymore. Hey town, what do you think?

I’m ok with this idea personally. If we get the NK today and Jail the assassin, we won’t have any kills tonight.

Lynch Marcus, exe MrEevee?

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What’s VC at?

Is there anything I have not seen?
Anything I might have forgotten?
(And no I don’t know who’s the convert is, that’s a bit worriesome for me still)

Lynch MrEevee, let me bounty someone tonight, Prince should jail either birb or possessed tonight

And @What for the love of BD please flirt tonight instead of WoW pls thx

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So if you think Marcus is NK he doesn’t have association with the MM, so what do you make of him thinking what’s not the MM

/lynch Marcus_Doodalee

Hey, also.

Was MrEevee7 roleblocked last night

He can’t be convert either. Aristocrat have Gossip too.

“What” basically bussed Marcus as very likely NK. No way Marcus is unseen.

MM can’t bus someone who isn’t on their team Virginia :^)

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How would what know Marcus is NK

Too much of an association. No way assassin outwardly defends his MM.

Here’s the thing though: Would an NK fake a confirm from another player that is in scum PoE? It’s a weird play.

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This theory is just so bad it’s cringeworthy


I have done the same already as I was MM. I and the NK did protect each other, since BD were about to eradicate us all.

How can MrEevee7 be assassin if he wasn’t roleblocked last night

I thought he was NK?


@What come talk to us when you can thanks