[NFoL] Newbie Forum of Lies 3 - The Blue Dragon Are Victorious!

Well I asked for protection at the end of the last day, so… very unlikely for me to die n2.

You’d have to ask the assassin yourself Sulit. I’m just explaining my theory. Perhaps they thought I would be less likely to be healed/guarded?

@anon97870008 @Possessed @sulit is my theory bad or no?


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Still doesn’t explain why there was a no kill

:thinking: NK explains us someone else is NK.

Why would an assassin make clear associatives? That’d be a bad assassin.

Then it’d be better for them to target, say, Eevee, especially since he’s claimed butler

Really, stop telling evils who to kill

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Or me since I have RB and could turn into King.

It is likely N1 convert happened

This is why too many occupies and protects are bad

There’s no clear way to know what exactly happened at night

No but I think people would be saying who his buddies are

And What doesn’t count.

I’m pretty sure the evil can figure it out for themselves.

We don’t need mechanical information, when we have good reads :slight_smile:

At least N2 isn’t as chaotic.

No such thing as bad moves on happy hour as long it serves purpose

Madness is not acceptable

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im seeing a lot of people saying im lock scum. I’m the hunter, and me saying I was gonna shoot priestess was a gambit to get myself shot tonight. you guys sure hate gambits. jeez…
also, I’ll use my day ability on anyone right now to prove myself if you want.

